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Our Businesses

We give former prostitutes a new start by helping them start businesses. We offer counseling and  financial aid to aid the set up and running of these new businesses, and it REALLY DOES WORK! Here are our success stories! Soon we will be adding the full stories about how these stores were opened. Each one in a miracle and is helping to support the local people who desperately need the work.


We have more businesses planned and in the works. If you would like to help us open a business please go to our donation page. Each business can support a family for a lifetime. It makes a difference for not only one woman, but for the generations that follow.


(You may notice that the images do not show the front of the businesses. This is on purpose. First, the work we are doing in this country is not appreciated by everyone. We are disrupting an industry that has been around for a long time. Second, the women would like to keep their anonymity so we try to keep things general to protect them.)

Clothing store #1

Our first clothing store was started in October. We rented an empty lot initially but eventually were able to build a building with the profits from the store.


Grocery Store #1

Our second store was started next to our first cloting store. When we built the building for the first store we build two retail spaces since we had space for the second space.


Grocery store #2

After the success of the first grocery store, we found a good retail space to rent for our second grocery store and took the opportunity.


Parking lot #1

A parking lot that was across the street from our second grocery store came up for sale and the opportunity was good so we purchased it.


Car Wash #1

A gentleman in the neighborhood who owned a small piece of land offered it to us at a discounted price. We decided to turn it into a car wash. It has been a great business for us.


Tire change shop #1

A tire change shop was going out of business and we were able to purchase the equipment at a discount price. It works nicely with the car wash.


Small food stall #1

One of the women we began helping liked to cook and asked if we could  help her start a small food stand.


Clothing store #2

Due to the success of our first clothing store we rented a house with a space for a second clothing store.

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